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SMA905 connector Laser collimatorCategory:Laser collimator

Brief introduction:Laser collimator is mainly used in fiber output laser. According to the fiber interface, it can be divided into QBH and SMA905 and it is mainly uesd to collimate the divergent laser beam

Product parameters

Part Number Focal Length(mm) Wavelengt Exit-beam Diameter(mm) Max.lens-ø Length(mm) Is it water-cooled Connection mode
HY-SMA905-915-F25 25  915  18  40 41.1 Optional M36×0.75
HY-SMA905-915-F50 50  915 28  68.6 M36×0.75
HY-SMA905-915-F75 75  915 100.3 M36×0.75
HY-SMA905-915-F100 100  915 125 M36×0.75
HY-SMA905-980-F75 75  980 89.5 M36×0.75
HY-SMA905-980-F125 125  980 133 M36×0.75
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